Word Craze Mini: December 20 2023 answers

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Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day! Thank for choosing our site for all the Word Craze Daily Mini December 20 2023 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Joy Vendor. On this update you will find unique crossword clues for you to solve. Chances are that some of the crossword clues will definitely be difficult for you to solve and you will need our help. This is the reason we have decided to share with you below all the Word Craze Daily Mini December 20 2023 answers. You will be redirected to the appropriate game level after you click any of the crossword clues that we have shared with you.
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Daily Mini December 20 2023

Playing cards that symbolize love and emotions:


Explosive device that creates chaos and destruction:


One who causes distress and emotional pain:


Analyze grammatically, breaking sentences down:


Number on a pair of dice, often associated with luck:


Mediterranean country known for its rich history and stunning landscapes:


Fake or counterfeit, pretending to be genuine:


Empty talk and exaggerated statements:


Pop up unexpectedly like a jack-in-the-box:


Leaves embarrassed, like an actor forgetting their lines on stage:


Digital assistant that whispers secrets directly into your ear:


Gag violently when smelling something putrid:


Wooden sticks that hang laundry, but also used to keep things steady:


Vast, watery expanse that could hide a million treasures beneath:

731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5 731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5 731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5 731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5 731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5 (731 votes, average: 3,10 out of 5)
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