Word Craze Merry Christmas 2 answers
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Thank for choosing our site for all the Word Craze Merry Christmas 2 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Joy Vendor.
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Merry Christmas 2
White Clothes Wearer: Kitchen worker:
White Clothes Wearer: A medical professional:
A quandary necessitating a choice between equally undesirable options:
It is often calculated based on income.:
White Clothes Wearer: Creature with wings and a halo:
Move steadily from side to side:
Separate the device from the power source:
Not going beyond what is proper or moderate:
Proceed upwards on a mountain:
White Clothes Wearer: Groom's partner at the wedding:
A metal used for preservation:
What you use to rest your bottom:
Make way for unimpeded movement:
Elvis Presley hit, _____ Bear:
An individual who is not the leader:
Merry Christmas answers