Word Craze Merry Christmas 38 answers
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Thank for choosing our site for all the Word Craze Merry Christmas 38 answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is the latest world in the last update by Joy Vendor.
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Merry Christmas 38
Be of service in times of hardship:
A round food item often used for breakfast:
A classic toy produced in Santa's workshop, running on tracks:
A tool found in Santa's workshop, used for building toys:
Materials used in Santa's workshop to add color to toys:
A message sent electronically:
Figure out the meaning of something:
A large vehicle for public transportation:
A toy made in Santa's workshop, often in festive outfits:
A journey to observe wild animals:
A word used to express food enjoyment:
Interrupt one's progress briefly:
"___ My Turn": Diana Ross hit:
A shape with a specific mathematical property:
Interpose to smooth out a disagreement:
Not present at a particular place or event:
A responsibility that needs to be met:
Merry Christmas answers