What is this uncovering act? - Word Craze clue
Well today its your lucky day because we have just finished updating our website with all the Word Craze Answers for All Levels and sharing all the answers with you. Word Craze is the new wonderful word game developed by Joy Vendor, known by his best puzzle word games on the android and apple store. Are you looking for never ending fun in this exciting logic brain app? Each pack has more than 30 levels. Some of the packs are: Departures, Egypt, Morocco, Greece, Japan, Australia. Last but not least, if you are facing any difficulties in solving any of the Word Craze levels, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. One of our representatives will be more than happy to assist you with the solution of the level you are stuck.
What is this uncovering act?

The answer to this question:
More answers from this level:
- Material that prevents conduction of heat or electricity:
- All powerful:
- Strong enough to keep from falling or collapsing:
- High enough to cover up to your talus:
- The Green Goblin glides on this in the Spider Man films:
- To dupe someone using trickery:
- Electronic atlas that uses 3D satellite imagery:
- This film starring Clint Eastwood won Best Picture in 1993:
- Animals who cannot control their own body temperature:
- The most common hat in the world:
- To generate enough money to support one's self or family:
- Use this to secure your two-wheeler:
- Reflexively expelled air from your lungs:
- Labor that is started artificially:
- Creating apps:
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